2025 Poster Session
Posters will be on display in the AIC Exhibit Hall on Thursday, May 29, and Friday, May 30. Poster authors will be at their poster for a Q&A session on Friday, May 30, at 3:30pm.

Banner photo by Lane Pelovsky, Courtesy of Meet Minneapolis 
Friday May 30, 2025 3:30pm - 4:00pm PDT
3D modelling and printing have emerged as valuable tools in conservation, enhancing documentation practices, offering reversible treatment solutions, and improving access to collections. While the use of modern materials in traditional fields of conservation can spark discussion over unknown origins or material compatibility, the conservation of modern materials, like plastics, presents a unique set of challenges. Plastics’ quick susceptibility to degradation and material losses poses significant trials for conservators. In response, photogrammetry and 3D printing offer novel documentation and treatment solutions, adaptable for small-scale losses and larger fill-element replacements. This is accompanied by scans that are part of the object’s documentation and can be kept in anticipation of future material failures. 

Although initially daunting, 3D techniques can become a valuable tool for conservators through practice, academic papers, online resources, and conversations with colleagues. The wide range of available materials, printers, and alteration techniques enables conservators to tailor their approach in key aspects like material compatibility, aesthetics, and workability. This research continues to refine and validate methodologies and techniques for plastic conservation by applying 3D modelling and printing on a contemporary case study object. The object from the University of Amsterdam’s textile conservation studio exemplifies the vulnerability of smaller, thinner, and uniquely shaped hard plastics. The three-dimensional piece, a polyurethane stuffed blue velvet object by Dutch artist Harry Boom, features twenty plastic flowers on a circular base and are attached to the object via a small slit-like hole where a button sits. However, 7 out of 20 flowers have suffered losses. Both flower petals and entire flowers have gone missing but three fallen petals have been kept. These petals served as the basis for the digital reconstruction of the missing flowers, which is then being replicated through 3D printing. 

Photogrammetry software (Agisoft) and 3D modelling software (Blender) were employed to digitally reconstruct the flower bud from images of the fallen petals. The process details how to build the models and utilize different supports to facilitate removal. A selection of printing materials is being compared to the original petals, evaluating their aesthetic qualities and material compatibility. Additionally, techniques such as sanding and retouching with paints will be explored to see how closely 3D-printed petals can mimic the original flowers. The advantages and disadvantages of these materials and alterations will be discussed and the best result will be selected to make the reconstructed flower. A comprehensive visual workflow accompanies the research, illustrating the entire process from photogrammetry scans to the final 3D-printed product. This research also draws on academic and online resources to demonstrate similar projects and conservation efforts and guide those interested in applying these technologies in their practice. 

This research is currently ongoing and will be finished by December 2024.
Friday May 30, 2025 3:30pm - 4:00pm PDT
Hyatt Regency Minneapolis 229 W 43RD St New York, NY 10036 USA

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