2025 Poster Session
Posters will be on display in the AIC Exhibit Hall on Thursday, May 29, and Friday, May 30. Poster authors will be at their poster for a Q&A session on Friday, May 30, at 3:30pm.

Banner photo by Lane Pelovsky, Courtesy of Meet Minneapolis 
Friday May 30, 2025 3:30pm - 4:00pm PDT
India’s rich history begins from the ancient civilisations to being the most diverse democracy in the world. Topographically, linguistically and culturally every region in India has its own uniqueness.  Considering the scale and variety of tangible and intangible art forms in the country, their preservation has to be a combined effort and not limited to only conservation professionals. While professions in the heritage sector are steadily gaining popularity, the need of hour is to spread awareness and develop an inclination towards conservation in everyone. The conservation team at The City Palace Museum, Udaipur is taking initiatives to realise these objectives which will be highlighted through a poster.

The team has been actively taking efforts to engage various groups of people through in house activities and outreach programmes. Museum attendants, security personnel and guides as equal stakeholders were involved in training programmes to take care of the collection, safeguard it in emergencies and help in better implementation of museum rules. School and college students have also been invited to understand how various heritage departments work together for smooth functioning of a cultural institution. This programme was designed in a way so as to add heritage professions such as conservation to their list of future career options. 

Outreach programmes are another realm of interest for the museum. It has been collaborating with other institutions in the country in order to popularize the Mewar collection beyond regional boundaries. Recently a major collection of maps and prints was conserved for an exhibition at another palace museum. As a part of this, the conservation team organized a talk and practical demonstration on conservation practices for a mixed audience of students, artists and heritage professionals. The intention was to understand their perspective and learn from their work experiences while imparting conservation suitable ways for protecting their personal possessions. 

The positive response gained through these initiatives motivates the team to continue investing in them. The team hopes that the changes being attempted at the micro level will have a domino effect and usher in a conservation mindset through the country.
avatar for Bhasha Shah

Bhasha Shah

Conservator, The City Palace Museum, Udaipur
Ms. Bhasha Shah has completed Bachelors in History (hons.) from University of Delhi and Masters in Art Conservation from National Museum Institute of History of Art, Conservation and Museology, New Delhi. She has attended Conservation Training Programme held at Institute of Conservation... Read More →
avatar for Bhasha Shah

Bhasha Shah

Conservator, The City Palace Museum, Udaipur
Ms. Bhasha Shah has completed Bachelors in History (hons.) from University of Delhi and Masters in Art Conservation from National Museum Institute of History of Art, Conservation and Museology, New Delhi. She has attended Conservation Training Programme held at Institute of Conservation... Read More →
Friday May 30, 2025 3:30pm - 4:00pm PDT
Hyatt Regency Minneapolis 229 W 43RD St New York, NY 10036 USA

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