Posters will be on display in the AIC Exhibit Hall on Thursday, May 29, and Friday, May 30. Poster authors will be at their poster for a Q&A session on Friday, May 30, at 3:30pm.
Banner photo by Lane Pelovsky, Courtesy of Meet Minneapolis
This investigation was spurred by the discovery of hazy films on the surface of paintings within the collection of an anonymous collecting institution. The Midwest Art Conservation Center, a non-profit regional organization, was notified and asked to consult on potential causes and risks. First, assumptions were made connecting the appearance of this haze to the presence of wax within either or both the synthetic varnishes on the paintings’ surfaces or in the lining adhesives. Further communication with collections care staff revealed the additional presence of a similar film on acrylic vitrines in nearby locations to the paintings. Inquiries with the museum’s facility team indicated a history of usage of corrosion inhibiting additives to the HVAC system in the building. Specifically, amine-based additives like diethylaminoethanol (DEAE), were found in air testing at the institution and are commonly used within many facilities. Preliminary research cited usage and concerns within collection spaces as early as 1985.
This project will further research the historical and current usage of neutralizing amines within facility steam humidification systems. Additionally, analytical testing will be conducted on the accumulated film deposits to more accurately characterize their composition. Going forward, the broader aim for this project is to foster and initiate open discussion regarding airborne additives within collection spaces and collaboration with collections professionals at other institutions.